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At Mindful Motion, we offer a range of occupational therapy

services to support people aged  0-21 years to reach their goals

Sensory processing
vestibular system
sensory processing
sensory processing
sensory processing
tactile system
sensory processing

Sensory Processing

Supporting children to regulate and interpret sensory information, including sensory integration therapy, adapting sensory environments and understanding internal body messages (interoception). We support sensory safety and developing knowledge of own needs.

gross motor skills

Motor Coordination

Developing visual motor, fine motor and gross motor skills fundamental for tasks such as handwriting, cutting with scissors, dressing, and joining in games.​

energy regulation
energy regulation
energy regulation
emotional regulation

Energy Regulation

Supporting children to identify their energy levels, what they feel and experience, and strategies to match their energy to their chosen activity. 

toilet training
brushing teeth

Self-Care Skills

Developing skills for toilet training, feeding, and independence in dressing, brushing teeth, bathing and other self-care tasks. ​

school readiness

Daily Routine and Work

Support to develop and implement daily routines, school readiness skills, sleep hygiene habits, and overcoming barriers impacting work participation.

attention and concentration

Attention and Concentration

Developing cognitive and sensory-motor strategies for sustained attention. 

nurturing relationships

Nurturing Relationships

Parent coaching, understanding the double empathy problem, exploration of strengths and needs, and developing self-confidence to be ones authentic self, advocate needs, and form meaningful relationships. 


play and engagement

Play and Leisure

We celebrate all forms of play and promote exploration of interests, creativity and problem-solving. 

MM logo

Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Suite 2A, ground floor, 87-89 Market St, Wollongong
0403 507 436


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